Workplace Mindfulness


“Breathe in and think, I am solid; Breathe out and think, I am free.”
– Hannah Fries, New Hampshire author and poet

Workplace Mindfulness

The current work environment and leadership methods of a majority of organizations are leading to record levels of workplace loneliness, depression, anxiety, and burnout. In a world with increasing complexity, volatility, uncertainty, and record change, things are only getting more difficult. Workplace mindfulness programs are focused on enabling people to create mindful and compassionate work environments. The intention is to redefine what a healthy workplace looks like, and ultimately make work a place for growth and flourishing. Mindful Leader

One way to move towards balance is through mindfulness, a stress-busting presence practice that helps you get the most out of each moment. Mindfulness can bring us back into balance by acting as a bridge between work and life. Mindfulness improves focus and concentration, which supports efficiency at work, and also deepens compassion and connection, which allows you to fully engage in personal time.

In an extensive research study out of Harvard University, Matt Killingsworth and colleagues measured people’s happiness levels at different points throughout the day. The study polled over 15,000 participants of diverse age, race, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Throughout the day, the research app would randomly text participants to ask them what they were doing, whether their mind was wandering, and how happy they were.

After compiling nearly half a million data points, the researchers found that people’s minds wander almost half the time! However, when people are fully engaged in what they’re doing – no matter whether it’s taking out the trash or eating a delicious meal – they tend to be 10-20% happier than people doing the same activity with a wandering mind.

Dorey Standish, Chief Mindfulness Officer of Mastermind Meditation

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“Christine led us in a mindfulness experience on a busy Monday afternoon. At first, I was hesitant to take time out of my day for a 30-minute session, but Christine quickly created a safe and welcoming space for me to slow down, let my mind and body relax, and tune into how my body was feeling. Afterwards, I was able to move into the rest of my week feeling more in tune with how to maintain a healthy pace and balance”.

Human Services Consultant

BirchWalking offers you, your team, or organization an array of research-backed mindfulness and mindful movement experiences from introductory and brief sessions, to cocreated and targeted multi-week programs, or ad hoc drop in experiences.

Get In Touch

Contact Christine and Suzanna to discuss your individual, family, team, group, or organizational needs and codesign a nature connected wellness experience oriented towards building resiliency and capacity for all humans and beings to live well and thrive together.

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